Right now, I’m frantically trying to get my things together so I can leave
Poison in the Ink - The New Amsterdams
The attic of my mind and the subculture of my dreams. I threw in a little of everything.
Right now, I’m frantically trying to get my things together so I can leave
Poison in the Ink - The New Amsterdams
I don’t have any regrets, but there are a few things I wish I’d done. There’s always a few “shoulda, coulda, woulda’s.”
My Spanish project never took off. It’s not necessary for the FBI, but it would be nice to have. Luckily, I still have a few years to learn it. It’s too bad I wasn’t able to find/make more opportunities to get to know Biotech Girl. She was really cool. I should have started voice lessons as soon as I got to
I have another year to do better, and hopefully, another 75 after that.
So Long Astoria - The Ataris
Over the course of the summer, I’ve befriended a kid in my ward. B1 is intelligent, quiet, enthusiastic about the church, yet extremely unsure of himself. Since I came out to
So Impossible - Dashboard Confessional
I went to F1’s reception yesterday, and it was amazing.
I have no choice but to retract all negative thoughts about that relationship. Her two younger siblings were there, bored to tears, so I entertained them for a few minutes with stories of bad road trips and drivers who forget they are in
Driving home, I had a transcendent moment of peace; the turmoil that is my normal life disappeared. Everything fit - the shade of the sky, the number of clouds in it, the hum of my truck, even poor Carrabba’s song about the little things that make a person special. I thought about being back with that group of friends I made almost two years ago - the eleven of us back together again, laughing like old times.
I thought about a friend of mine who recently went through a confusing, abrupt break-up that put her in shambles for a while. The last time we talked, she said, “Mike, I think my problem is I get too involved. Too much of my identity is caught up in finding and being with someone else. If I don’t have someone to love/love me, I don’t have anything. I think I need to zoom out for a while and take some ‘me’ time. I think I need to better learn to be happy with me rather than me with soandso." I certainly understand where she’s coming from, and I think there is a lot of emotional health to be found in being content with oneself as a lone individual. I don’t particularly like that image, and I haven't really worried about Mike's image of himself in a long time. But truthfully, driving home Tuesday evening, I fully agreed that being happy with ones own indiviuality was a necessity, and maybe, the one thing so many unhappy people lack.
I'm ready I am - The Format
The problem I am running into now is that most of my friends have left
There is something in me that is never satisfied when it knows more could be done. The internal difficulty arises when that "more" is unreasonable. Even though it's possible, I can't really just trot over to
So maybe people are alone after all. Regardless of outside help, their personal battles are their own. Friends have the capcity to ease the burden, but tonight, it's simply not enough.
Saints and Sailors - Dashboard Confessional
"GOALS." I hate that term, and unjustifiably, the business world that uses it at EVERY meeting, too many checklists, too many hoops for my taste. Somehow, I'm not smart enough to get done what I need, so I must set milestones in order to assure my tiny little brain that he's making progress.
At work a couple days ago, we had a big meeting that addressed "core values" and "BHAG's" (Big Hairy Audacious Goals). The idea behind a BHAG is you set a ridiculously lofty goal and THEN decide how to get there. It's like running a 4:30 mile when your PR is a 5:15. You can either set up small increments and improve each time (5:00 to 4:45 to 4:35 and so on). Or you can set a super high goal (say 4:15) and go from there. The idea is that the former method will get you down to a 4:35, and the latter will utilize your full potential and get you to a 4:25 or even the 4:15.
I.E. the human mind/body is always more capable than people realize.
Being a realist in the professional world, I feel the R&D BHAGs were overly unreasonable; I'm being asked to run a 3:00 mile, something no single human has ever done. My mentor agreed.
However, I must admit that no one proves me wrong better or more frequently than moi-meme. As I mentioned in a previous post, I've spent the whole summer trying to regain the strength and speed I lost last winter. I haven't touched a 225 lb barbell since early 2005 (I'll confess, my statement before was a guess, a generous one even), and I continue to struggle with 200 lb barbells time to time. Today, amongst a significant amount of personal frustration, I ignored yesterday's self-council and grabbed the 225. With no spotter, I hit a set of five, four, and four reps.
Either my anger has made me powerful or the irony Gods just wanted me to feel stupid. They do that a lot these days.
90 degrees and 50% humidity. Today, I couldn't have cared less.
MSU's son (age 21) is in town from
A few of F1's friends are furious with P1. "How can F1 put up with P1!!!? How can F1 live with P1's self after hurting F1 so much. How can F1 continue to forgive P1? GAAHHHHH!!!! P1 can do soooo much better….P1 DESERVES better…"
There is a lot to be said here, but it's not my place. I will however make an observation on a theme I am only beginning to grasp.
F1 is not out of F1's mind. F1 is in love.
Unfortunate for my emotions, I have yet to understand how love works, but luckily, the last three years have taught me to identify it at the very least. To me (and yes I'm vastly over simplifying here), romantic love is the unconditional desire to be with someone. The power this feeling has on a person is unimaginable. And honestly, it's a great thing when shared by the other party. It holds people together, makes life better, happier.
What happens then, when love isn't shared with equal intensity? Should a person try to "make" it work or should he/she walk away concluding as did Elliott Smith in this post’s heading?
The emotional abuse of P1 is unacceptable, yet the happiness seen in F1 during the good times is unparalleled. How should a friend respond? Should a friend respond at all?
Horray for me!!!
Friday evening I went with a couple co-workers and company at an outdoor presentation of Hamlet. Despite the scent of various burny things (weed, beef, charcoal, yeast, etc.), the play was awesome. The style was surprisingly humorous, and the performers were sarcastic. Hamlet reminded me of Ben Stiller and Claudius like John Malkovich. The costumes seemed to come partially from the Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet, partially from DI. We sat in lawn chairs in a lake-side park right before sunset; it was awesome.
My co-workers had to bring along their newborns, and it made dinner surprisingly enjoyable. Babies ARE cute, but there was something more. The look in the eyes of the new parents struck me. I noticed a sparkle I’d never seen before.
Right now, the two social forces in my life are that of my LDS co-workers/church-related friends and that of MSU/non-LDS colleagues. I like both groups, but the contrast in their ideologies is significant. The latter feels very much, "Do your own thing. Relax. Do what makes sense. Don't let people push you around. Use your brain. 'Kids?' Meh. Another way for people to feed their egos." In contrast you have the LDS, "Follow the Lord and be a good person. Raise a righteous family, and find happiness in all that you do." In spite of the logical and physical consistency and in spite of all the intelligent ideals the non-believing world preaches as reality, I have never seen in them the level of content and sheer joy that I saw last night.
Too many topics, too little time.
On Wednesday, I finished my panel, and it was time to punch holes in the enclosure for the outgoing wires. Hydraulic punches are the best tool for this task. I've never used the things before, but they consist of only a hydraulic piston and a carbon-steel, screw-driven punch. How hard can it be? Trial 1 fails, so without hesitation, a fellow intern and I perform on-site disembowelment to find the problem. After blankly staring at the tool for five minutes and replacing the seal, we got it working. The Company Builder arrived in time to give us a few more tips, and I was ready for Trail 2. I positioned the punch and begin to pump the piston lever to turn the drive. I encounter more resistance than expected but figuring I have never used the tool before, I continue.
As I near what feels like the endpoint, CB notices my biceps are straining to finish the job, an unusual event indeed:) "Mike are sure you set it up right?" "Yeah, I'm pretty su..."
The accident wasn't actually that bad, but still, I continue to feel God must prefer I keep my body in one piece a little longer.
Every time I screw up at work, I keep a memento. I'm slowly building a collection for my wall of shame- a shirt with multiple two inch acid-burnt holes, shattered ceramic tiles from exploding peroxy-acetone, rusted sheet metal, a papers towel - all good stories, all filled with valuable lessons. These relics serve as reminders that I must always keep my mind in the present. Right now, there are no body parts on that wall, and I'd like to keep it that way. Still, I have at least two years left as an engineer; I can only hope fate will continue to smile upon me.
The Format (again)
In the mean time, I ordered lots and lots of parts. They arrived last week, so the nature of my work has changed substantially. No longer the computer-oriented engineer, I am the “task-oriented operation guy." Specifically, I've been playing electrician for the past two days.
For hours and hours on end, I stripped, soldered, tightened, drilled, positioned, burnt, poked, and smashed my fingers. Amongst all the swearing and the cursing of the stubby finger gods, I successfully assembled my electrical panel.
It reminded me of a BB thread some time ago about the hard sciences. I took that position that art was more creative and more open, the crowds responded with strong opposition. And perhaps they were right. When I look at my beauteous work, I am surprised at myself. Truly, electricianism IS an art. An art I have yet to master. HOWEVER, what most people would call "creativity" in an electrical enclosure, an electrician would call a Darwin Award waiting to happen.
I still hold that because scientists care more about creation for the sake of utility than creation for the sake of expression/creativity, they are inherently less artistic. Where does that leave me, a lowbrow in desperate need of more color than black, red, white, and green? I don't know; I'm still working on that one. For now, I have to find some Band-Aids.
May I learn to be like them all.
On with the Show - The Get Up Kids
Guster is different. Like Live, they change their sound with successive CDs. But unlike Live, their music is free of self-importance and over simplified themes. Guster simply sings and plays about life in general, happy, sad, depressing, odd, cool, anything. Every CD is a new adventure. It’s like a book by your favorite author or movie by your favorite director. Well, MY favorite artists that is. You never know what they’re going to say or how they will do it, but you can trust it will be quality.
I guess everyone isn’t like me. Change and improvement make my life worth while. I guess I should be happy I’m the oddball. Otherwise, bands like Guster would be even more popular than they already are and liking them wouldn’t be cool anymore.
Guster’s latest album is what I call an “end of the day” CD. Similar to R.E.M.’s Automatic for the People (in overall vibe, not sound), Ganging Up on the Sun is good for sitting back after a long day and remembering that life is still full of…well, life.
Right now, I’m thinking a lot about the past. Ryan Miller echos
I wanna pull it apart and put it back together
I wanna relive all my adolescent dreams
Inspired by true events on movie screens
I am a one man wrecking machine
One Man Wrecking Machine - Ryan Miller
Yesterday’s endeavors fried me. The sun out here cannot be trusted; the weatherman cannot be trusted. Yesterday morning was cold and cloudy, so I brought my awesomeo jacket. The weather stayed as it began for a couple hours then BAM the sun is out with maximum radiation with poor little Mike caught with his proverbial pants down, defenseless to the elements.
Valentine - Get Up Kids
Returning to my previous point, today I learned, officially, that I like clothing. I like brassieres. I think razors are good, and I prefer that people exercise and be a little worldly. I admire many things in what I perceive as the hippie mentality. However, I definitely did not feel “at home” today. It’s very possible that “my people” may yet be found somewhere in this city, but
Next Sunday is the gay pride parade. Maybe I’ll find my Missing Piece there. :)
New Wave Girl - Nerf Herder
What does it take to pollute another person’s ideas? A stray thought? A bad comment from another person? Fifty negative comments?
Here’s the kicker. What if those original ideas ARE false? What if reality IS polluted? Say you have a choice: happy, motivated, and blind to reality or aware and unenthusiastic? As you probably know, I’ll always pick the latter when given the choice, but what about when I don’t know the choice is available? I WILL be happier and more dedicated to the cause not knowing the truth. How can I embrace a cause I believe to be either false or severely lacking in design?
I voluntarily choose misery over happiness (at times). If you ask me why, I’ll tell you it’s not really happiness v/s unhappiness; it’s fiction v/s reality. “Does that negative reality make you any better off?” Today, I say “no.” Maybe tomorrow I’ll feel differently.
Oh, and I finally started a fire in my lab today. As always, it was small enough that I kept it off the books. I’m like, 6 for 6 now.
Savin' Me - Nickelback. No I don't own one of their crappy CDs, I just thought these lyrics were applicable. Afterall, the group isn't ALL bad.
Last week I noticed movies were on sale at Hollywood Video, 5 for $20. Though it was impulsive, I figured I’d take a chance. How can you argue with $4 a movie? Here’s what I picked:
I Heart Huckabees
A Mighty Wind
Garden State
Big Fish
I’ve never seen the first three, but they seemed to have possibilities.
I’ve wanted to see Closer since it came out a few years ago. Critics gave decent/good reviews, and Natalie Portman and Clive Owen received Oscar nominations for their parts. A week ago, I watched it in my self-made home theatre. On a scale of 1 to 5, the film hits a 3 (1 being average, Goodwill Hunting being a 5, 12 Monkeys a 4, X-men a 2). Closer has four characters, a female stripper, a female photographer, a male doctor, and a male writer. Among the above actors, Jude Law, and Julia Roberts, can you guess who plays who? The plot is a heterosexual, love diamond, but the focus is on Jude Law. As Time Magazine reviewer remarked, it’s an adult sex movie without sex. Unfortunately, I can’ recommend anyone see it. In fact if you ARE thinking about seeing, I would discourage you unless you’ve spent at least 100 hours in a male, high school locker room. Is it that explicit? No. It’s beyond. If you DO see it and ARE able to see beyond the dialogue and STILL appreciate the movie's message, you win my respect. That said, if you actually ENJOYED it, I'm afraid you are too perverse for even me (but you can have my copy of the film, I'll sell it otherwise).
Last night was I Heart Huckabees. Coincidentally, Jude Law is in this one too. I think it’s a movie I’ll watch about once a year. Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin are Existentialist Detectives who “solve” the related problems of their patients. If you like artsy movies, you’ll like this one. I do suggest you skip the sex scene however. It’s less graphic than the one in Thank You for Smoking (which wasn’t at all graphic), but it’s also…well...a scene that involves sex. A half naked man? I don't want to see that.
Easy Target - Mark Hoppus
It’s Saturday morning, and I’m fighting two mirrors in attempt to cut my hair in the back. My phone rings, so I stumble over to it, hands covered in hair, “Mike, I’m freaking out. I’m almost hyperventilating!!!” One of my bestest closest friends, Purdue Girl, was driving to a Church History museum in
Love is absolutely the greatest in the woyld. To the best of my knowledge, the one thing better than being in love and absolutely enthralled with someone who deserves such admiration is having that feeling be mutual. It’s sad, but I think a lot of people go through life without those feelings. I think some even get married without them.
If you don't, don't - Jimmy Eat World
Teenager - Better than Ezra
Friday night at the gym and pro-wrestling is blaring on the TV’s. Sorry 3M, after 30 minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore and changed the channel on 3 TV's.
He whispers that he loves her,
but she's probably only looking for s…
So much more than he could ever give,
A life free of lies and a meaningful relationship.
He keeps his hands pinned down at his sides.
He waits for it to end and for the aching in his guts to subside.
Now if you listen to the song, it sounds a lot like Jesse Lacey sings, “A life full of lies and a meaningful relationship.” Sometimes singers do that. They change a few words at the last minute. It’s amazing how much altering one little word can affect a song’s meaning. I hate to say it, but I prefer what I hear to what was supposedly written. Maybe I’m cynical about love, or maybe it’s like the rest of the CD. I can’t really relate to the songs at all, but the emotion behind them makes me feel right at home. I don’t know of an album that “fits” my personality better.
Sic Transit-Glory Fades - Jesse Lacey
For the first time at the Renton Health Club, I saw someone at the gym who seemed to have lower body fat and bigger muscles than myself. That someone was a she. ‘Nough said.
So I had to get a drug test today. There I am, maneuvering my way through
1. "Uh, I kinda smell some pot at a party…so if the test comes out positive, it’s not my fault”
2. Turn around and do the test in another week.
3.”Hey dude, I MIGHT have some marijuana in my blood. What should I do?”
4. Do nothing.
Despite living in a society that proclaims, “Innocent until proven guilty,” I felt the converse. I was automatically guilty the second I hinted I may have seen weed in the past four years. If I was truly worried, I should have chose 2. But as far as doing it today went, I was hosed. If my test was positive, there would be no way out. Who in their right mind is going to believe a 24 year old single male (who they don’t know) that he hasn’t smoked pot despite it being in his blood stream?
I guess I think it’s sad that we’ve forced our country to be so distrusting.
Me vs Madonna vs Elvis - Jesse Lacey