In the remaining 38 minutes before my heat and mass transfer test, I figure it’s time for an update.
Engineers are nerds. We microwave our food in the hall while dozens of people walk around us. There are tons of opportunities to make new friends or simply smile at those who pass by. Instead, we stand in the middle of the hallway staring straight down at the floor but not because we’re shy. Shy people don’t analyze their footing because they need to understand their center of gravity. They don’t stand on the cracks and think about what caused them. They don’t wonder how the floor was constructed or its components fit together. Well, maybe they’re shy too, but they are way too preoccupied with cool things like floor tiles to ever notice.
BSG and RCW’s fiancée are at it again. Now it’s turned into, “well my boyfriend can beat up your boyfriend.” I’ll elaborate later if I have more time. Harsh words were exchanged two nights ago over BSG’s boyfriend getting a haircut and washing the result in the bathroom sink. Yes, some battles should be fought. Some people shouldn’t be afraid of confrontation when it leads to resolution. But most importantly, EVERYONE needs to grow up or go back to high school where they would better fit in.
The offers are finally here:
UT Forest Products $15000
UT Nuclear Particle Coating $18000
UU Carbon anything $21000
UT Teaching Assistantship PENDING
The one problem is I’m not a