Friday, November 11, 2005

Sometimes these fantasies come true, and now the whole thing misses me.

Yesterday, I had a “honey ham and cheese panini” at the Tanner building. Sounds safe, right? I started feeling a bit queasy afterwards (now I’m thinking it was an omen). I drank a bunch of water and ate my apple a few hours later. No change. I go home at like 8:00 still feeling nauseous. I had some toast with margarine and brown sugar. Turns out that kind of food isn’t good for an upset stomach. After lying in bed for a couple hours without feeling any better, I decide it’s time to bring out the big guns, or fingers so to speak.I commence cramming my fingers down my throat and have the displeasure of tasting everything I ate that day a second time. Apparently, I wasn’t being quiet enough because one of my roommates came in the bathroom and gave me a glass of water to rinse with. What a guy. The one thing that never came out was the ham sandwich. I’m guessing it grew tentacles and fused to my stomach lining. I slept like crap the whole night. This morning I slowly threw myself onto my bike and peddled to school. While walking down the halls, I notice my hamstrings and butt are pretty sore. I like to think that most of my muscles are pretty active, but maybe my puking ones are out of practice. Hmmm.

Now something a little cooler.
The length of the lines are earth time (all the same). You can spend your engergy getting older or moving through space. The units mean nothing right now. Eventually, I think I'm going to use equations, but for now, qualitative pictures will have to do it.

Now the length of the lines represent the relative speeds at which you travel. The faster you go, the more earth time you use up..


JB said...


That's awesome--me too. Thank you for the secret to eternal youth: infinite speed=infinite youth. Now, I just have to figure out how to make that one work...

Saule Cogneur said...

To me, you will indeed live for ever, but to you, life will go on like normal. That's the problem with realtivity, it's relative. After 80 JB years, riding the photon or not, you will be the same the rest of us. Don't worry though, I'm developing the equation that WILL bring eternal youth. I plan to be done by Sunday...don't hold your breath.