Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Teenage rules: they’re f$%#ed and boring.

Word has it that you can dissolve a pound of potassium hydroxide in a gallon of ethanol. I say seeing is believing, and I’m not seeing anything. I've been cleaning old glassware all week. 6 months working as a BS chemist is way too much.

But you know what? It's 10:00pm, and I can turn up Blink 182’s Take of your pants and jacket as loud as I want. Suddenly, I don't care about anything, and life is good again.

1 comment:

JB said...

I can turn up Blink 182’s Take of your pants and jacket as loud as I want. Suddenly, I don't care about anything, and life is good again.

That's all it takes for me, sometimes, too. Great album. I hope finals are going wonderfully for you!