Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Black. The night that ends at last.

I’m rushing through the apartment trying to think of everything I may possibly need at my parent’s place in Logan. After 40 minutes of running and packing in circles I have:

Toothbrush, face soap, razor
All my normal clothes, mostly dirty
My socket tools and Haynes manual
Christmas presents
Footwear for all occasions
Church attire
Foucault’s Pendulum and The Elegant Universe

What I wished I’d remembered:

By The Hand of Mormon (I’ve been meaning to get it back to my dad for a year)
Snowboarding Gloves (I don't even snowboard)
Wizard People, Dear Reader (I just forgot that one)
Soldering Iron (What the Hell is going on? How often do you need on of those while on vacation? If you’re me...always)
Thick socks for winter activites
Push-up bars
The quart of oil I’ve been meaning to use up for over a year.

Honestly, I can’t win.


Cinderella said...

You should add on your list of "What I wished I'd remembered": Making out with me! ;) What could possibly be more important that? I mean, honestly...;)

Saule Cogneur said...

Hey,do you remember that time I called you to say I was going to pass through SLC on the way to Logan and wanted to get together and you shot me down with the fury of a thousands suns? Yeah, I looked pretty foolish back then.

Cinderella said...

Well, you'll probably be driving back at some point, and you'll probably go through SLC again, and even if I'm not here, I'll probably be close to where you end up. It's not too late!

Cinderella said...

Props for the Les Mis reference, btw. You just jumped a few "Yeah, he's cool" points in my book.

Thirdmango said...

Hmmm, just going through SLC and we get kisses for Cindy? Hmmm, I think I may make a trip to SLC afterall...

You forgot wizard people? Oh sad day!