Monday, April 17, 2006

Break down the barriers; ally the carriers. What is your motivation? Take a good look in the mirror.

Can I just say that I love my friends?

Despite getting up at 7:00am to go to a stake fireside, yesterday felt like the kind of Sunday a person could enjoy. I went to church in a family ward; the services ended at noon. Not only did I have most of the day left to enjoy, the service itself was significantly more sincere and less contrived than the typical BYU singles ward. Elder’s Quorum was full of men with normal jobs and families. The halls were filled with smiling children (granted, Easter has that effect on kids). I walked out of that building uplifted (an increasingly rare occurrence).

I spent most of the day talking to people that matter to me. Many of them to which I hadn’t said much in months. Not having time for this kind of interaction wears me down after a while. For this reason, I don’t think I would ever be happy as a pure research scientist. I do love science and engineering. I do love research. However, I love individuals more. Last night while talking to NCG, I realized that I’ve never been as content with my current group of friends as I am now. Every one of them makes me happy, seriously.

It’s funny. As the social side shifts to something favorable, I’m noticing my physical side is getting increasingly worse. My eyes are not doing well, I now have two injuries that should have healed, and I’m picking up a small cold. Still, a body is much easier to heal than a life. I’ll take this lot any day.


yaj000 said...

For this reason, I don’t think I would ever be happy as a pure research scientist. I do love science and engineering. I do love research. However, I love individuals more.

That is the reason to become a university professor. Best of both worlds!

Still, a body is much easier to heal than a life.
That was a good one.

Sarah said...

it was great talking to you on sunday, too! i'm so glad you'll be in SLC next year. it's reassuring to know if something breaks (whether it is my sanity or my chair) that you won't be too far away.