Friday, April 21, 2006

A room an empty shelf. A book on mental health. I search for inner wealth.

Have you ever had your scalp lacerated by an innocent looking cabinet? Let the blood clotted in my hair serve as warning to all that a person should never trust an inanimate object to remain stationary. I swear the thing lowered itself a foot while I wasn’t looking.

Housing….well, I’ve finally found a place. $425 a month for a place that’s 8 miles from work.

Pas si pire. Right?

Right now, it’s thoughts on finals, torn muscles, Seattle, and NCG that spin through my head incessantly. Finals seem to be going fine. I’m not worried. Muscles are not doing well. I’m debating ignoring the fact that they don’t work correctly and going back to the old routine. I’m back to being excited about Seattle. I just need to stay organized until the.

NCG, well, I’m a microwave and she’s infrared. Sometimes we’re in phase sometimes we’re not. I don’t think either one of us knows why. The good news is that we are usually on the same page in our ambivalence and confusion. I’ve never been able to be so honest with someone; it’s nice. Ironically, the truth seems only to complicate matters. But complication yields growth, and growth IS always good.


Cinderella said...

This NCG girl sounds like bad news. You need new friends. ;)

Katya said...

Have you ever had your scalp lacerated by an innocent looking cabinet?

Actually, yes. And I'm lucky that it was wood and not metal, or I'd have needed stitches.