Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Something in the way. hmmm mmm. Something in the way...

Somethin' ain’t stirring the kool-aid, man. I returned to Provo on Monday night feeling simultaneously relived and depressed as I always do when vacation ends. The nexted morning, instead of feeling excited, I felt anxious. The kind that makes you go half a day without eating. Normally, I need to eat every three hours or less, or I start thinking about devouring my shoes.

Here’s a few possiblitites:

-Grad School applications totally cleaned me out. I had to sign for a small loan from the Bank of Mom just to break even.
-My most relevant (and current) course work isn’t on my transcript. I’m afraid I won’t get in anywhere. (I don’t yet know if this fear is justified.)
-I think I weight over Christmas break.
-I still haven’t figured out what to do about sas.
-I haven’t started the online class I needed to have finished by yesterday.
-My personal essays aren’t finished either.

Most of these issues are in my immediate power to solve. They shouldn’t bother me, but the trouble is that I don’t know if they do or not. All I know is that something isn’t right; my appetite never lies.


Thirdmango said...

I know how you feel about the online courses. I have one due on the 15th of this month that I haven't started yet.

Sara said...

Thank heavens we'll all have places to be and things due! :) Although, getting married did take a lot of scheduling...and it was fabulous!

Tolkien Boy said...

Just think...another week, and the application hell will be over.

At least, I hope so.

MissE said...

Dude --

I *know* about application hell... and the monetary commitment attached.

I also know the fear and frustration of having a few pieces of paper determine the rest of your life.

But you are smart...I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.