Thursday, June 08, 2006

teach me wrong from right, and I'll show you what I can be...Say it if it's worth saving me.

What does it take to pollute another person’s ideas? A stray thought? A bad comment from another person? Fifty negative comments?

Here’s the kicker. What if those original ideas ARE false? What if reality IS polluted? Say you have a choice: happy, motivated, and blind to reality or aware and unenthusiastic? As you probably know, I’ll always pick the latter when given the choice, but what about when I don’t know the choice is available? I WILL be happier and more dedicated to the cause not knowing the truth. How can I embrace a cause I believe to be either false or severely lacking in design?

I voluntarily choose misery over happiness (at times). If you ask me why, I’ll tell you it’s not really happiness v/s unhappiness; it’s fiction v/s reality. “Does that negative reality make you any better off?” Today, I say “no.” Maybe tomorrow I’ll feel differently.

Oh, and I finally started a fire in my lab today. As always, it was small enough that I kept it off the books. I’m like, 6 for 6 now.

Savin' Me - Nickelback. No I don't own one of their crappy CDs, I just thought these lyrics were applicable. Afterall, the group isn't ALL bad.

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