Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Alright buddy! you want to go? Let's see it. Crap! I can barely move my legs. Well, I guess you win

Another weird dream.
For some reason, I’m in trouble and will be going to jail to be executed. I’m at my housein Tennessee. My parents are there but don’t seem too concerned. I’m like, “screw this, let’s get out of here” to some other dude I don’t know. I discretely put on my running shoes and navigate to the door. Bang! I’m off running down the field. But now I’m wearing knee high rubber boots and am out of breath in no time. I decide to hide in a ditch. At the bottom of the ditch is my mom’s car which I try to scotch under. The “people” come looking and find me without much trouble. My mom makes some comment that I don’t appreciate. I yell out “F#$@ you” and take off running again. The black drill sergeant guy from celebrity fit club chases after me. Now I’m wearing my brown sketchers and moving as slowly as before. I think to myself, “I’m screwed.” I start to slow down, and suddenly, I’m surrounded.
I then woke up.

Note that my mom is the most selfless person I've ever met. I don't think my subconcious has issues with her, but maybe I'm wrong.

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