Saturday, August 20, 2005

What the heck is a "loaded God complex?"

MB (roommate) and I went to CA’s (ex-roommate) wedding in Bountiful. I tell you, weddings are great and depressing at the same time. On the plus side, it is so nice to see it work out for a change. That guy has been through hell to be with Lauren. Her parents did not like him, and probably still don’t. He’s not going to be a doctor or a lawyer, so ht must be an inferior human. Not matter that he makes her happy, no matter that he protects her, no matter that he would give his right arm to be with her. As measly nurse, he may not be able to provide her with a six figure salary thus allowing her to buy clothes she doesn’t want and friends who don’t care about her in a neighborhood of prudes. Mike timidly steps back off the soapbox.

MB cooked vinegar based southern BBQ for the luncheon for 90 people. It was divine. The best he’s done yet. It was quite an ordeal. In addition to the two of us, four other friends assisted. I’ve got to tip my hat to servers; those people have their stuff together. I could believe how hard it was just to set down a plate or pitcher of water.

Like I said weddings are great in many ways. They remind people like me that even doomed relationships have hope. They also help you focus on the happy. All you need is a couple truly golden days and suddenly, all the crap disappears. As always, I sensed a few traces of envy in myself. These moments are the only thing that draws that emotion out of me...On the negative side, weddings also remind me of the treacherousness of the road. Personally, I’m willing to do whatever it takes, but sometimes that road is simply impassible. Realizing you have to turn around and find another one is never fun. I get exhausted just thinking about it.

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