Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I need the smell of summer, I need its noises in my ears

It’s official. The trip to Europe is cancelled. Yes, my disappointment exists on many levels, and I still cannot fully grasp them.

However, I accepted a job in Seattle working for the kind of company I’ve been hoping to find since I started this whole chemical engineering gig. The job should be worth the investment, so maybe, I won’t have to be sad forever.

Once again, reality reared its ugly head and reminded me that life still requires lists. No matter how hard you try to fit things together, that list remains linear with all items stacked sequentially. If you predict the future, you may succeed in shifting the odds in your favor, but those luxuries are typically reserved for fairytales. That said, I think a little spontaneity or unpredictability make life infinity more enjoyable.

A la longue, I was silly to believe people, places, and opportunities could hold truly equal significance in my life. What then, is a boy to do when he can’t have his cake and eat it too? Why, convince himself that he’d rather have pudding I guess.

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