Monday, October 10, 2005

So I'm hunched over a typewritter, I guess you could call it "painting in a cage."

So Friday…

Finished class and work
Didn’t get AJ’s number, but I did set up a tentative double with Chris however. That’s a start.
Ben never showed up so I didn’t touch his motorcycle.
Jake was running late and didn’t buy new break pads.
Didn’t get around to running, but I did make it to the gym.
Didn’t make it to Low’s, so my mirror is unfinished and hair still uncut.
I DID make it to the mall, and I AM certain I won’t be going back for a long time.
I didn’t talk to Shelley, but I DID talk to her about her car on Sunday.

Friday tally: 4/9


Ward service project (aka we've got nothing better to do than transplant cilantro)
Got reacquainted with Lindsey; it turns out that life sucks when the guy you love is engaged to someone else.
Went out on an impulse and drove with Jessica to SLC to buy...a shirt.
Took 20 wrong turns because it was dark and raining
Went to Octoberfest…


Twenty hours of church meetings
Reaffirmed that my ward has at most little dating potential
Met a new girl anyway
Watched 7 of the 18 inning Astros/Braves game
Called Joseph to laugh at him and his loser team
Listened to Jordan’s 45 minute, "I’m not really a feminatzi" shpeel
Talked briefly to Cristina and remembered all over again that emotion and the empirical world can never be fully separated if you're anything living. I should talk less.

Weekend synopsis: I almost pulled it off, but not quite.

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