Monday, January 30, 2006

I dreamt I saw you walking up a hillside in the snow, casting shadows on the winter sky as you stood there counting crows

The weekend:

Was packed with life’s simple pleasures
Further complicated my life
Posed a few new questions.

Today’s topic is EFY roommate and BSG (beauty school girl)

Background: EFY is great. He is the embodiment of all things good about EFY and none of the stupid things. After butting heads for a month last year, we became good friends. BSG moved into the ward just before Christmas. She’s physically open, easy to hang out with, on the “hot” side of pretty, not too smart, and is a hard core flirter. (Normally*, I comply when a girl begs me to take my shirt off, but this case was a little too weird. Gotta maintain a little mystery.)

After finishing my shenanigans Saturday night, I come into the apartment; EFY and BSG are on the small couch together watching a movie with RC Wiley roommate and BSG’s roommates. He’s sitting up, and she’s laying on her back with her head on his thigh, legs hanging over the armrest. They seem comfortable enough, but there’s no gross spooning. 12:00 rolls around, and we give them the boot. The following evening they were back in our apartment. I was off doing my own thing, but I imagine similar things went on.

EFY’s cell phone rings. He sees that it’s BSG, so he passes the phone to RCW. RCW goes back into the bedroom. Not thinking anything of it, the rest return to our evening of watching stupid internet videos of fainting goats, jumping fish, and Trogdor.

20 minutes pass, and RCW emerges. “EFY, someone has a crush on you.”

BSG has decided she likes EFY. “He’s a really decent guy” and didn’t put the moves on her during the previous night. I guess that’s a rare occurrence. Quoting BSG, RCW says, “I gave him every chance I could to take advantage of me, and he didn’t.” Now, despite the boyfriend in AZ, she’s in love with EFY.

Yes, yes, yes, hundreds of things to mock and so little time, but here’s the point. Who puts on a blind fold, tromps into uncharted territory, and dangles their foot in the lake to determine whether or not the piranhas and snapping turtles are hungry?

Some call it sexuality. I call it emotional masochism.
*By “normal,” I mean I have yet to do so.

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