Monday, March 13, 2006

Lost the words, lost the nerve, lost the girl, left the line

Holy Weekend Batman! Let’s see…

In the company of RCW and fiancée, MN (Male Nurse who was my roommate last year) and wife, and NCG (Non-Committal Girl, my most recent flare), I finally got to try out a new deep dish pizza recipe. The dough required about 1:10 cornmeal:flour, so the dough did not gain its normal elasticity after kneading. Because I was short on time, I could only let it rise once which hindered the texture and flavor. We made the sauce from canned, whole tomatoes which tasted great but the extra juice soaked into the dough and made it a bit soggy. None the less, the pizza was good enough, especially for a first attempt.

Next time:
Knead More
Rise More
Boil Sauce More
Try Asiago cheese

Saturday: Dancesport. Yes, I didn’t chicken out, and yes, I botched it. Yes, I’d happily go back and try again next year were I to stay at BYU.

I competed at the "slightly more coordinated than a 6 foot seventh grader" level, Bronze Cha cha. The first round was alright. When they posted the qualifiers for the next heat, I was certain I wouldn’t be moving on. Hello!! My hips and knees are made to move in one direction only. Me changing directions to a beat or even changing directions at all is like me wearing a dress. Yes, I’ve done it, and yes, it is only funny for the awkward effect. Looking up at the numbers, I noticed ours was there. “Hmmm, I guess the ones that are underlined are the ones moving on. It looks like around one in 16 are moving on. Meh…”

The second heat begins, “Hey! We’re better than that couple, and that one…and that one…oh well.” Intercom: “Couple 500 please come to the back stage” “Okay, Jenni (our instructor) must just want to give us feed back (we forgot to talk to here when we finished).” We go back. “You guys made the second heat. Why weren’t you out there?” My face slowly begins to grasp the magnitude of my pessimistic stupidity. “Quick! Go down there, maybe we can still get you in.” Thirty seconds later, we’re dancing, and by “we’re dancing,” I mean I’m fumbling around because I had zero time to mentally prepare and oh yeah, it turns out that wasn’t that good to start with. I missed a step and lost the beat. We had to stop for a few seconds to get it back, but the moral victory was already lost. I feel bad for my partner, but I’m sure she’ll survive.

My sister and NCG both told me I needed to act more confident, and they have a point have a point. Still, I think I need to work on my posture more than anything. The good news is that I'm the person that is motivated by his inablities, not discouraged by them.

Throughout the whole weekend, I picked up on a few RCW v/s fiancée quarrels. Maybe getting engaged after a month of knowing each other isn't such a great idea afterall. Among them the tense moments:
“I don’t want an indoor dog.” “We’ll talk about it later.”
“I don’t want to discipline kids for silly reasons.(i.e. your dad is 'silly' for grounding you for not shaving” “We’ll talk about it later.”
And finally, “My ex-fiancée wants a second chance. I need to go see him to be sure I love you instead.” “…” Poor RCW, he’s already lost that battle once.


yaj000 said...

I am sure you did not make up the conversations of RCW and fiancee, especially the last conversation of RCW and fiancee.
Is this girl like a freshman or something?
That was hillarious.

Claire said...

Poor RCW, but that is a funny conversation.

And yes you in a dress is funny and extremely awkward, especially considering that you wore it at the beginning of a date (ok, it wasn't a real date, but still).