Saturday, May 06, 2006

And scars are souvenirs you never lose. The past is never far. Did you lose yourself somwhere out there? Did you get to be a star?

Today Microsoft Uncle picked me up to go “orienteering.” Apparently it is a Swedish sport that is getting big in the states. It’s a race in a sense, but it’s also a treasure hunt. The clock starts, and they give you a topographical map with maybe twenty circled land marks and an electronic marker. In as little time as possible, you must navigate the terrain and physically tag them with your marker. It’s kinda fun. You can go hard-core and buy special leg protectors and thumb compasses and cloaking devices and flashy underwear, or you can go soft-core and stick with jeans and a map. I’m sure you have no idea which one I picked. My uncles and his co-worker friend make it a goal not to come in last.

MSU is a different kind of guy. We talked about a lot of things. My dad, my sister’s choices of SO’s, John Stewart, the church, being careful who you choose to reproduce with, sex, and how I should break it to my mom that I live with two homosexuals. When he was taking me back to my place, I discovered I really had no desire to go back. What’s that? I didn’t WANT to go back to my quiet neat house to be left alone!!! Maybe I’m not my father’s son after all.
Name - Jonny Resnik


editorgirl said...

Not sure if this posted last time, so I'll say it again: Miss you.

eleka nahmen said...

You live with two homosexuals?! Oh, I envy, envy, envy you.

Hope you're enjoying the summer. Looking forward to your return, though! We need more of us living up here in the city.