Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Loveline won't call back. they don't know, they don't care, they don't see, but I do. But I do.

I came out to Seattle with a lot of projects, some of which could be done while driving. Unfortunately, my mornings have proven to be less productive than I had planned. Adam Carolla has a radio show on 107.7 FM. For those of you who don’t know me, I loath radio shows. No seriously, I DETESTE the things with the unbridled fury of a thousand fire ants crawling up the naked leg of an unsuspecting intruder. The only thing worse than an obnoxious middle-aged overweight male who laughs too hard at his own jokes is two or three of these clowns placed in the same room with nothing but a microphone and some worn out sound effects.

Somehow Carolla is different. Don’t get me wrong he’s still a complete jerk, but somehow, he pulls it off well. He is what I call “the likeable jerk.” It may be that he spends more time insulting the world than laughing at jokes that aren’t funny, maybe it’s the show’s variety (Stock or NFL Althlete?, Sports with Dave Dameshek, Beat Daves Mom at Trivia, Movie Reviews with Ozzie, etc.), maybe it’s that I’ve finally given in to the forces of darkness, whatever the case, Carolla is good.

Show me a guy (or girl) who can pull off the "likeable jerk" effect, and I’ll show you someone I will like more than every nice person I’ve ever met.t

Teenager - Better than Ezra


Thirdmango said...

Oh Man do I hate Adam Carrola. I'll have to take your word on his radio show though. I'm not a big fan of radio shows either however, the one I found is amazing is Phil Hendrie. I can't get enough of his show. I do wish it were in the mornings instead of night though.

honeykbee said...

I can pull it off.