Thursday, May 11, 2006

If you want to, I can save you, I can take you away from here

The Renton health club is your typical gym only it’s not.

I have yet to see some one there who seemed to be in good shape, and consequently the posers are far far away. There is a sign at the south wall that says, “Women only section.” When there ARE women present, they are out of sight. The TV’s are all sports. The weights are exposed iron, so the only sound effects I ever hear are clanking metal plates, no pseudo-manly grunts anywhere. I never see more than a dozen people in the room that is about 5 four times as big as the combined student sections at the BYU gym, and I never have to listen to songs about lady lumps, bananas, or wishing my girlfriend was hot like some boney pop-star wannabe. So were it not for the over-chlorinated water the 10:00pm closing time, the place would be perfect.

A guy outside of Fred Meyer asked me for a couple bucks tonight. I gave it too him without hesitation. Is it odd that I find people who just ask for things so refreshing?

I had access to the TV for a change and watched the new episode of Smallville. I’ve decided that Chloe is awesome, and Lana sucks. The typical response to Lana’s character is, “wow, Clark is crazy not to stick with Lana; she’s so hot.” And she is. But she is soooooo melodramatic, “Clark, I don’t see how I could have EVER loved you.” “Clark, LEX told me HIS secret, and I’m FINE.” It’s like all she does is pout and look surprised. Chloe on the other hand does things. Yes, she is still a WB character, but when she kisses Clark in this episode under the guise, “I may never see you again,” something else is there. There seems something infinitely more validating about her love for Clark. For a brief moment, that show made me happy. Weird.

All You Wanted - Michell Branch


Thirdmango said...

That was a good episode! I watched it today too and really enjoyed it. Chloe has for the most part been my favorite character through the whole series.

B.G. Christensen said...

I haven't watched Smallville in about a year. I miss it--especially Chloe.