Monday, May 22, 2006

And your hair, smells of smoke. Who will cast, the first stone?

For the first time at the Renton Health Club, I saw someone at the gym who seemed to have lower body fat and bigger muscles than myself. That someone was a she. ‘Nough said.

So I had to get a drug test today. There I am, maneuvering my way through South Seattle, and I discover I may not pass it. During GG’s big 30 person party on Saturday, NM came and knocked on my door, “Mike if you feel uncomfortable, I could bring you up some food.” “Nah, no sweat, I was on my way down actually.” “Ok…do you mind marijuana? Two of GG’s friends are smoking it in his bedroom. If it makes you uncomfortable, I'm sure we can do something about it.” Two seconds later the scent hits me, but it wasn't too bad I go down stairs and notice someone else smoking it in the back yard. Oh well, I figure I got about 30 seconds of second hand exposure. Anyway, I hear that marijuana can stay in your system for a month. Now here I am, a mile from the Diagnostic office; what do I do?

1. "Uh, I kinda smell some pot at a party…so if the test comes out positive, it’s not my fault”
2. Turn around and do the test in another week.
3.”Hey dude, I MIGHT have some marijuana in my blood. What should I do?”
4. Do nothing.

Despite living in a society that proclaims, “Innocent until proven guilty,” I felt the converse. I was automatically guilty the second I hinted I may have seen weed in the past four years. If I was truly worried, I should have chose 2. But as far as doing it today went, I was hosed. If my test was positive, there would be no way out. Who in their right mind is going to believe a 24 year old single male (who they don’t know) that he hasn’t smoked pot despite it being in his blood stream?

I guess I think it’s sad that we’ve forced our country to be so distrusting.

Me vs Madonna vs Elvis - Jesse Lacey

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